That the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart would be pleasing to you, God.

Proverbs communicates the significance of our words. That life and death are in the power of the tongue. That by the fruit of man’s mouth, he is satisfied and filled. Words matter – even the mutterings under our breath.

Psalms 55 talks about morning, noon, and evening murmuring and complaining to God and He hears our voice and redeems our soul from the battle we are facing. Now that is an incredible relief – knowing that even our murmurs and complaints can be turned into prayers that redeem our souls.

The important difference is the audience. Murmuring and complaining, if said to the Lord, can be transformed into power for good. If our audience is another person, ourself, or even no one at all, then a harvest will come based on seeds we sow with our words. Bold statements or mutterings under our breath can produce life or death.

Regardless if we can articulate or quantify the impact of our words, it’s worth noting that if we focus on the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart then we have an invitation to something better.

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