Wait or Move. But not think.

Thinking… it’s such an interesting concept. It feels like you’re doing something and yet not doing anything at all. Obviously there’s a difference in actively thinking – when you’re troubleshooting a problem, working through an idea, etc. however this could be argued that you’re really moving. It’s internal thought building but there’s movement involved. That’s

Fewer the better

Generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. I always thought of generosity as giving a lot of something to a lot of people. A lot of money or volunteer time to a large number of people. However, what if the emphasis isn’t necessarily

Cars speeding up

We’ve all been there. You turn out of a parking lot and cut it a little close with the oncoming traffic. And yet, the approaching car SPEEDS UP rather than slowing down. Almost to communicate: hey, you made a bad choice and I’m gonna show you a little fear for that stunt. But why? If

Know your assignment

This is the question beneath all decision-making. Answer this and all else will fall in line. Too many times we confuse our careers with our assignment. Or maybe it’s our schedule of day-to-day life. American busyness culture would pride itself on how busy one can be best validates one’s assignment. However, knowing our assignments takes